Thursday, May 6, 2010


(Topshop purple tank dress, New Look over-the-knee socks, black suede wedges, Charlotte Russe rings, vintage necklace thing)

so, i took a break from kpop [yes, kpop] these two days to devote myself to Copeland. their gig 3 years ago with Anberlin was the first i've ever been to. i remember how i'd felt, how their songs made me feel. now Copeland is back and that was what i wore to see them on the first night at *scape. im sorry to whoever was behind me, i wouldnt have worn heels if i'd known it was free standing. alas, the ticket printed "free seating". anyway for those who werent there, sorry but you really missed out, especially seeing how it's their last tour. they were one word, beautiful, in and out, beautiful.

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